Rabu, 18 April 2018

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang (THING/BENDA)

My Favorite Novel

I have a favorite book. It is not actually a book, but a set of novels. The story is about a magical world and dragons, my favorite mythical creature. My sister bought it for me when she went to England last year to finish her research. My sister gave it to me because she knew that I love story about dragons. I was very happy to get it. I put it next to my old collection in the cabinet.
My favorite set of novels consist of four thick novels. Each of it contains 500 to 600 pages. The text is in English, sometimes I have to open my dictionary to check the meaning of some words. The book cover is made of leather. The colour of the leather is different for each book, there are brown, light brown, yellow, and red leather. The title of each book is written on the left side and on the front side of the novel. There is also a box specially designed to keep all the novels. This box is covered by green leather.

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